Topographical surveys and site engineering services with years of construction site experience that shows. Get ID Surveys Ltd on board today.
Our services
Providing invaluable engineering surveying solutions to clients across the Midlands region.
Learn more about what we have to offer or view our gallery of previous projects.

Quarry and landfill surveying
With trained, experienced personnel that utilise modern surveying instruments and surveying software, we’re well equipped to carry out large scale topographical site surveys. This also includes but not limited to:
Setting out and site engineering
Years of experience and ongoing sub-contract work enables our site engineers to provide detailed external and internal setting out and site work, offering clients excel spreadsheets that highlight design vs as-built co-ordinates for their information and records. Survey reports and data sheets can also be supplied, verifying accuracy to aid any remedial work required. This solution includes but not limited to:
Verticality monitoring checks offset against grid lines throughout construction

Topographical surveys
Provision of scaled drawings and other data outputs computed from accurately recorded on-site measurements using modern surveying instruments. We undertake land surveys of any size by collecting 3 dimensional co-ordinated coded site measurements which accurately represent the physical topography of each site surveyed. We capture the location of all ground surface features in their relative position and level along with additional above ground information at clients’ recommendations, for example overhead wires, ridge and eaves heights, overlooking window positions etc.
All surveys can be tailored via targeted specifications related to ordnance datum and National Grid co-ordinates using GPS equipment, if required, in order to produce final drawings and report to any suitable scale.

GPS surveying
Utilising the most modern Leica 1200 series GPS equipment, our surveyors can set up very accurate high order control networks off the Ordnance Survey (OS Net) permanent GPS stations. We then produce 3 dimensional local site co-ordinates using the latest transformations from raw data, currently OSTN15 and OSGM15 for horizontal and vertical respectively.
Fast and efficient accurate RTK (real time kinematic) surveying allows our surveyors to easily survey significantly more data over larger areas of open space than traditional methods, to enhance any topographic site survey.
Land registry plans
Property boundary details surveyed can be overlaid and combined with purchased landline data to provide composite plans at required scales.
Borehole & trial pit locations
Check surveys
As-built surveys
CAD production
Levelling & monitoring exercises
Pipeline surveys
Update surveys
Discuss these services by calling 07910 790233
Now you know more about what ID Surveys Ltd has to offer, contact us.